Parker 1801 scupper questions

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2017
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Should a 2004 Parker with 115 4S let water in through the scuppers at rest in water with no added weight or people in boat? Essentially should there be any pooling ? Are scuppers below waterline, or is the boat waterlogged and sagging in water??
On my 2015 the scuppers are about at the waterline with full fuel, a little fishing gear, and me. I have never run the boat with more than two adults aboard (including me).

Just FYI I have to back down pretty hard to get water backing up into the cockpit.
They are designed to be right at the waterline. This keeps as much freeboard as possible. It is unlikely there is anything waterlogged since there isn't anything in the stern to get waterlogged. How much stuff do you keep in the back boxes? I have seen several folks relocate batteries under the console. You can also store items as far forward as possible instead at the stern.
When I had my 2003 1801 with 115 4 stroke Yamaha, I had no water in the cockpit with myself, fishing tackle and 1/2 tank of fuel.
I also had 2 batteries, one in each back box.
Something some folks have done has been to replace the rubber 'flapper' style scupper covers with the 'ping pong ball' type made by TH Marine.
Check the Projects area as this has been discussed there in the past.
Megabyte":241vm0iq said:
Something some folks have done has been to replace the rubber 'flapper' style scupper covers with the 'ping pong ball' type made by TH Marine.
Check the Projects area as this has been discussed there in the past.
Which is better? I have ball type and they don't seal tight so though flapper was better. Maybe different types if flapper scuppers.

thanks for all the replies. After careful inspection there seems to be no water actively entering the scuppers when the boat is at rest with no one aboard. The cutout that pools with water only does so because the scupper holes were placed higher then the reservoir so that any water that has made it in will stay unless boat is planning off, the all of the water in the reservoir drains. sort of a funky design, however the surveyor pointed out that it was completely normal. I will look into using the ping pong ball style scuppers
Longislandfish":m224ie9t said:
thanks for all the replies. After careful inspection there seems to be no water actively entering the scuppers when the boat is at rest with no one aboard. The cutout that pools with water only does so because the scupper holes were placed higher then the reservoir so that any water that has made it in will stay unless boat is planning off, the all of the water in the reservoir drains. sort of a funky design, however the surveyor pointed out that it was completely normal. I will look into using the ping pong ball style scuppers
I know guys with different boats that block the cockpit drains when fishing and remove when underway. Sometimes moving equipment helps and it hard to tell your best Bro to fish off the front. LOL
