200 hour check and winterizing

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2006
Reaction score
South Florida
I have had an impossible time trying to get a Yamaha certified mechanic to come to my marina to do the 200 hour service and winterize the engine (for mid November). I would also like to change the fuel/water separator to a clear bowl type. How difficult is this stuff to do on your own? I am fairly well mechanically inclined and can change spark plugs and oil in a car – is this much more involved? Will I void the warranty if I do it myself? The warranty issue may not be so critical as the boat is the boat and engine were delivered May 2004 – so it will run out soon after the boat is launched in April 2007. Are there threads, suggestions, or literature on how to do this work? Or should I just have a reliable, but not Yamaha certified, mechanic do the work?

2004 2520XL with a single Yamaha F225 (4-stroke)

1) I hope Dale doesn't mind my pointing you to a thread on another site, but it is an illustrated oil change of your engine.

2) You may have to become a "member" (20 bucks I think?), or maybe someone here who is a member can figure out how to "scan" the thread and post it here? Regardless:

http://www.thehulltruth.com/forums/thre ... 1#M1135631

is the thread, and probably worth the money to pony up for THT anyways.