compare 300 suzuki to 300 yamaha

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2016
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on paper the suk seems to out perform in most categories noise speed overall weight torque but can anyone speak from experience thanks
Can’t help with the 300 to 300 comparison but I can offer some comparison Yamaha F225 to Suzuki DF300APXX . Performance is apples to oranges as would be expected with the extra 75HP the Suzuki DF300APXX has over the Yamaha. What is also VERY noticeable is ease of service on the Suzuki verse the Yamaha . On Tuesday Afternoon I serviced my Suzuki water pump, thermostats, lower unit gear oil, engine oil, fuel filters, spark plugs and 8 internal zincs in about 4 hours with no swearing. Did have help installing the lower unit.

Just doing the thermostats on the Yamaha F225 was quite tedious and time consuming. Over the years I got better but first few times it took me nearly as long to do thermostats on the Yamaha F225 as it did to accomplish EVERYTHING on the Suzuki DF300APXX.

From a maintenance stand point, the layout on the Suzuki DF300APXX is quite accommodating in my shade tree wrench opinion......
We repowered our 2005 2320 with a 2020 Suzuki DF300 APX in white. Could not be happier with the upgrade in power and efficiency. Setup is a 2005 2320 with DF300 and s DF 9.9, 4 full grown men, 400 lbs of ice, overnight gear, 65 gallon bait tank, 50 gallon deck fuel bladder. We ran 90 miles offshore of Southern CA looking for bluefin. burned fuel and came back with 6 fish (6 fish approximately 150 lbs) We averaged 1.7 MPG and never had an issue getting on plane. Now when we had the F250 3.3 liter, that was an issue. Prop is a 3x17x16 stock Suzuki. We are looking to get a powertech LFS 4x14 or a 4x15. We are looking to get better MPG at lower speeds (20 to 23 kts). The Suzuki is much quieter than my buddies 4.2l F250 at idle and while cruising, not even a comparison.
What edgarop says above... I repowered my Parker 2520 in 2017 with a new 300 suzuki and love it so far compared to the yamaha 250. Boat gets up and goes now. Very quiet at idle and so far so good.
Looking to repower my 2004 2520 as well with a suzuki 300! Going from the Yamaha 225. What is the WOT speed on these size boats
Can't compare a 300 with a 225 or a 250 guys. If you look at the specs of both yamaha and zuki the zuki is 70lbs heavier so that plays a factor. Both are 300hps so performance is going to be pretty much the same. I would say the Yamaha being lighter would get a little better fuel economy. I have a Yamaha 200 and I know each engine is different but my Yamaha is the easiest engine I have ever worked on. The thermostat literally takes 1 min to replace and the oil control valve filter is even easier. The spark plugs are right in your face- another maybe if your slow 5 min. water pump impellers are going to be the same for pretty much all engines so I think both engines will be the same to work on. I have heard great things about both 300's. It all comes down to cost and what is the nearest dealer to you.
Put a pair on my 2830. They turn a slightly bigger prop than the yamaha. Not a single issue in just under 700hrs (2 seasons). I no longer own the boat but I’d buy them again today and I’m a lifetime yamaha user. I believe it comes down to authorized service. Whichever is closer and easier access to you. Sorry I can’t compare as I came from 225s. Whichever you decide they’re both great engines.