Ez loader oil hubs

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Long Island NY
Guys, looks like i am picking up an 1801 with an ez loader oil bath hub system on it. Does anyone have any experience with these? Going to be towing from NC to long island. I figure on servicing to just drain and refill as long as no evidence of water is in them.

Any input would be appreciated.
I do not have the setup. Maybe someone will weigh in. I recall they are an upcharge?

There are some advantages and disadvantages. Easy to tell they are working. Can top off. Main downside is you lose all the oil on a failure versus it takes longer to lose all the grease.

If the trailer is new it should work. Sorry I cannot add more at this time.
The ones that I am familiar with still have a Posi-Lube spindle.

The stories I've heard is they are Great for several years....Then a leak starts and it makes a mess. The plastic cap is replaced with the style used on a Posi Lube set up and then grease is used.

Do Not confuse Bearing Buddy and Posi Lube / Sure Lube......A Lot of differances as to how they actually function.
I had them for short time. I would get some extra 80 weight gear oil. I think that what they used. Look up oil bath bearing how to fill them. I recall the chamber needs to be about 60-70% filled. Do not recall how to fill them exactly but you use hex screw?
I started off working in the trailer shop of a large trucking company some several years ago. At that time,1969, they had recently converted all the road trailers to oil from grease. We did see a few grease trailers. Oil bath bearings had a very, very low failure rate compared to the grease packed ones. The oil, we used 90 wt, not only lubes the bearings, but carries the heat away from the bearing load contact zone. I think the oil setup may cost slightly more, but would be worth it in the long run on a high use trailer.
Thanks for the info. Looks like the torsion arms are fairly rotted right around the hubs. Looking to have a dealer service prior to the tow up. Thinking I will stick with the oil bath hubs as I haven't had those on a light duty trailer before.

I will have the dealer save the parts and do a tare down for my own info. Will post pics.
Thanks for the info. Looks like the torsion arms are fairly rotted right around the hubs. Looking to have a dealer service prior to the tow up. Thinking I will stick with the oil bath hubs as I haven't had those on a light duty trailer before.

I will have the dealer save the parts and do a tare down for my own info. Will post pics.
Some torsion arms are separate and replaceable( ask me how I know).