Trailer for 1700

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2006
Reaction score
Indian River, DE / Norfolk, VA
Looking to replace the Vantage Frankentrailer that's under my 1700 at the moment. It appears to have been cobbled together from a couple different trailers and is in pretty rough shape. It's also too big for the boat and storage space is at a premium in my driveway. After the time and effort I'm putting into overhauling this boat I really don't want to bust an axle or a crossmember and have it go sliding down Rt. 13.

I wanted to go with Rolls Axle but after a few months and a couple back and forths they really don't seem interested in selling me a trailer. So I'm looking at alternatives.

I definitely want to go with an all-aluminum bunk trailer, welded if possible. Single torsion axle with Posi-Lube spindles. I'm going to forego brakes since I tow the boat with a Ram 2500 diesel and don't want the maintenance headache; the boat/trailer is under 3,000lbs GVW so Virginia doesn't require brakes.

Plusses would be a fold-away tongue, spare mounted tire and hub, and guideposts at the rear, although I suppose I could install those myself.

I'm very open to having a trailer custom built, provided that I can find a manufacturer that will return my phone calls! Otherwise, if anyone has suggestions or trailers that they're very happy with, I'd love the feedback.
Pacific or continental are the best value.