First Block Island Trip Of 2021

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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2013
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Boat has been in for a couple of weeks. Weather has not been very cooperative. On the rare occasion the forecast looks decent a couple of days out, the decent goes away and the wind is blowing hard on the actual day. Last Friday was such a day, forecast had promise on Tuesday but by Thursday, the wind was again ON. Having planned to fish Friday and with no one but myself to worry about or complain, I opted to go anyway.

The wind was probably 15kts at 06:15 when I cleared the Wicopesset Passage and hit Block Island Sound. The good news was that the wind and tightly packed waves were square on my bow resulting in some of the most uncomfortable ride conditions for my 2520 Mod-V. It is year sixteen with this boat and I know all about engine trim & tabs, ride still sucked even with many thousands of hours running this boat and being more then willing to slow up.

I fished the Western Shore of the island in a bunch of different locations. There was NOT much of lee to be had to escape the wind and the drift was fast everywhere I tried. Tough to hold bottom in much over 40 feet of water. My drift sock would have helped but with the water still very cold and being solo, I didn’t wanna deal with the hassle and potential hazards of deploying the sock by myself. I had a Fluke bite within the first 10 minutes of fishing which had me optimistic but aside from a big sea robin that was it for my catching on the West Side.

I was hoping the wind would drop off but if anything the wind increased as the morning went on.

Only other boat out there was the 7Bs. They seemed to be moving a lot. I suspect their fishing was about as good as mine. Frustrated with the lack of fish on the West Side, I decided to try my luck South with both the wind and the fish. First drift, in one of my go to spots, yielded a keeper. Unfortunately holding bottom was nearly impossible and after spending 15 minutes cranking up a monster skate, I’d had enough “fun” and headed for home.

Nice downhill run on the way home, until a dead low tide docking at my marina with the wind cranking. Got her in the slip without smashing any gelcoat or dinging the propeller but it wasn’t easy or graceful.

I was in bed at 20:00, swallowing a handful costco ibuprofen PMs for my aching back, the bed was still moving when I passed out for a 12 hour nap.

Hopefully things improve moving forward and while conditions were far from ideal, it was a mildly enjoyable day in a painful sort of way.......:giggle:
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Boat has been in for a couple of weeks. Weather has not been very cooperative. On the rare occasion the forecast looks decent a couple of days out, the decent goes away and the wind is blowing hard on the actual day. Last Friday was such a day, forecast had promise on Tuesday but by Thursday, the wind was again ON. Having planned to fish Friday and with no one but myself to worry about or complain, I opted to go anyway.

The wind was probably 15kts at 06:15 when I cleared the Wicopesset Passage and hit Block Island Sound. The good news was that the wind and tightly packed waves were square on my bow resulting in some of the most uncomfortable ride conditions for my 2520 Mod-V. It is year sixteen with this boat and I know all about engine trim & tabs, ride still sucked even with many thousands of hours running this boat and being more then willing to slow up.

I fished the Western Shore of the island in a bunch of different locations. There was NOT much of lee to be had to escape the wind and the drift was fast everywhere I tried. Tough to hold bottom in much over 40 feet of water. My drift sock would have helped but with the water still very cold and being solo, I didn’t wanna deal with the hassle and potential hazards of deploying the sock by myself. I had a Fluke bite within the first 10 minutes of fishing which had me optimistic but aside from a big sea robin that was it for my catching on the West Side.

I was hoping the wind would drop off but if anything the wind increased as the morning went on.

Only other boat out there was the 7Bs. They seemed to be moving a lot. I suspect their fishing was about as good as mine. Frustrated with the lack of fish on the West Side, I decided to try my luck South with both the wind and the fish. First drift, in one of my go to spots, yielded a keeper. Unfortunately holding bottom was nearly impossible and after spending 15 minutes cranking up a monster skate, I’d had enough “fun” and headed for home.

Nice downhill run on the way home, until a dead low tide docking at my marina with the wind cranking. Got her in the slip without smashing any gelcoat or dinging the propeller but it wasn’t easy or graceful.

I was in bed at 20:00, swallowing a handful costco ibuprofen PMs for my aching back, the bed was still moving when I passed out for a 12 hour nap.

Hopefully things improve moving forward and while conditions were far from ideal, it was a mildly enjoyable day in a painful sort of way.......:giggle:
I read this a few times to take it all in; nice post!.... First, trying to figure out where you are was not easy with Google Earth (any entry with Wicopessett-anything was not near water!!)...
The 'Block Island Sound' search worked out. ☺... all in all, it sounds like you had a great day on the boat! .... Any time I get home from a day (weekend, week!) on the boat, and I'm laying in bed, still moving around, bracing myself from bouncing around, I know I had a great time on the boat!...
We too have had three weeks of super-windy, unsettled weather here in eastern NC... Hope it moderates soon!
Epic trip!
Thanks for sharing.
I've not been out in anything really nasty yet in my new 2320, but I am considering buying a helmet and a neck brace, lol. I find these boats to give very solid feeling when they pound but the vertical movement at the helm can make for a fun ride, with my long o/b bracket I sit so far up I'm practically in the bow.

You just made me want to go out.

I read this a few times to take it all in; nice post!.... First, trying to figure out where you are was not easy with Google Earth (any entry with Wicopessett-anything was not near water!!)...
The 'Block Island Sound' search worked out. ☺... all in all, it sounds like you had a great day on the boat! .... Any time I get home from a day (weekend, week!) on the boat, and I'm laying in bed, still moving around, bracing myself from bouncing around, I know I had a great time on the boat!...
We too have had three weeks of super-windy, unsettled weather here in eastern NC... Hope it moderates soon!

This might help a bit

Nice writeup. I'm not very familiar with the area - How good does the weather have to be to safely make that trip in a 23se?
Nice writeup. I'm not very familiar with the area - How good does the weather have to be to safely make that trip in a 23se?

It’s by no means the rounding of Cape Horn and most days June-September you could make the salt water pond without it being “unsafe” but to have a decent ride and enjoyable fishing conditions, 10kts is about tops with 2-3s.

Predominant wind during the late Spring & Summer is Southwest and it tends to build throughout the afternoon. Mornings are generally calmer.

I run out there 30+ trips a season, lots of them at night. KNOCK ON WOOD, late June through mid August typically yields a lot of days with pleasant conditions.

Early morning fog is very common, especially in June, fog tends to lessen in July & August but still possible.
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Thanks for the info. Daughter and Grandkids are in the Guilford area. Thought I'd take the boat down and was looking for some good fishing and other destinations.
I wish I was close enough to make the Block Island trip. We used to run out there once or twice a year from western LI when I was in school.

How are the businesses on the island holding up with the pandemic?

I put almost 2000 hours on my old engine and have 401 hours on my “new” 2019 Suzuki DF300APXX . The vast majority of those engine hours expended traveling to and from the waters surrounding Block Island to fish or dive. Now the weird part, while I have slept on boats anchored up in the saltwater pond and put a few people ashore on docks, I personally have never stepped foot on Block Island so I can’t answer your question......
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