General bottom paint question

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Aug 16, 2019
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If a bottom paint job was well applied (initially) and the boat is turned into a trailered boat, are there any long-term boat/gelcoat "health" issues associated with the paint if never touched again?
IOW, other than cosmetics, if trailered and never left in the water, would one ever have to touch the paint again?
I understand it's a value to some, a devalue to others.
Depends on the "Type" of bottom paint? Ablative or a hard surface.

Ablative = everytime you rub up against it, some comes off.. It will be on your trailer bunks and your pants when you back up against it.
Makes sense. Thank you. Will either one (hard or ablative) hurt the gelcoat or boat long term if trailered and ignored... other than rubbing off? I can deal with that.
I don't know if I am phrasing that correctly.
It will Not hurt the boat.... It just will look like crap. My son and I spent days..... Duck walking to remove the Bottom paint. It's a Major job.


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That job would suck!

Even if applied correctly, I can only see it hurting resale if one owner didn't try to keep it up... Like I would do (or not do) if I bought one.