Getting black marks off the deck

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Jul 31, 2010
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I know I have to better educate my charters about black soles and heels on my boat. I've tried most products (soft scrub, greased lightening, barkeepers friend, bleach etc.) and there's still marks that have not come up. Any suggestions?
I just purchased a 2320 that has been sitting in the water without much in the way of cosmetic care for the last few years. I just spent the entire weekend on catching up on neglecting stuff like polishing the gel coat (still have probably 4 hours of work to go), removing bleeding rust stains, and removing other stains from the deck.

What I found worked very well was a 3M Scotchbrite pad (green) with something called "Davis FSR". On mild stains it seems to bleach them out with one application and no scrubbing (just brush on and wipe off) but other more stubborn stains required me to use the scotchbrite followed by some gel coat polish. It smells like it might be acid based (phosphoric or oxalic). It doesn't say on the label however.
I too use the Starbrite non-skid cleaner and haven't had a stain on my deck yet that it wouldn't take off.

Anyone have any pics of those Costco rubber mats installed?