Replacing Leaking hatch gasket & reseal glass.

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Parker 2310

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May 29, 2009
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Long Neck, DE
I have an old Taylor Made hatch above the v-berth of my 2310 that has a bad water leak when it rains. The past few times it rained the water just seemed to come pouring in :( , fortunately my cushions are still inside from winter. I checked and the bedding of the frame seems to be fine and not leaking there. I purchased some new gasket material to replace the D-Gasket that seals the top (hinged) frame against the screwed in part against the deck. However, in the process of fixing this yesterday, I made it worse :oops: because the glass came loose from the glazing while I was cleaning the glue residue from the gasket.

Result; I now have a hatch frame in place with no glass and have still not finished the d-gasket replacement. I need to get the glass back in and glazed ASAP. Any suggestions PLEASE on what type of silicone / glazing I need to use and any instructions for putting the glass back in the frame??? I need to get this done before it rains again. The old glazing that peeled right out was black. I have never worked on hatches before, any guidance is appreciated. Thank You in advance!
You want to use Dow 795 black glazing compound. Clean the old bedding out of the frame. Wipe the frame down with alcohol, (don't get acetone on the glass or it will damage it!!) lay a bead of the compound in the groove and set the glass back in place. You want enough glazing so it is at least level with the top of the glass once set in place. let it sit nice and flat until it cures. you can clean up the excess bedding with paint thinner and popsicle sticks.
Sorry for the delay, but I did manage to complete this project. I could not purchase the product identified locally so I bought Boat Life and used it to reglaze the lens into the frame. Once I did it, I covered it with canvas and let it sit until the following weekend that I was at the boat. It sealed fine and then I installed the new "D" gasket on the hatch. Since then we have had several really bad rain storm that have caused flooding and I have had no leaks with the hatch. Thanks for your advise.