Rod/Cup Holders for CC Bow Area- what angle?

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Nov 17, 2006
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Indian River, DE / Norfolk, VA
I’m looking to add two combination rod/cup holders to the bow area of the 1700. I find that I have almost equal need for both and I’d rather not make four holes, so this seems like a good compromise.

I’m going with the Mate Series ones; I’m familiar with the issues Parker had with the SS-capped plastic ones so I’ll be using the solid stainless models.

I’m going to put them in the covering boards about 1/3 of the way back from the bow; my question is whether to use the 15 or 30 degree models. If anyone has any info on this, it’d be much appreciated. Also, if anyone has these and thinks they’re junk, or they don’t work well, or anything other feedback that’d be great too.
Your going to have to make a jig of those angles and decide what is best for the amount of room you have. I can tell you that with a full liner boat....IE: not open on the sides it can get challenging to make them fit just right. Sometimes "Centered" in the washboard does not allow room for the angle of the rod holder.....With that said.....The 15deg will tale up less room.