When is Yamaha 6 year warranty promotion?

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Mar 4, 2013
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I ordered a boat last week with a projected delivery date of March, 2017. Dealer stated that if the 6 year warranty promotion was in effect after order or any point prior to delivery I would be able to take advantage of it. Is it an annual thing? Any idea when it occurs? Thanks
Just my experience but when I repowered last year, it was a 6 year offer in November (when sales slow down considerably) and then a 5 year promo opportunity again in March. Hopefully, this year will be different and you'll snag the 6 in the early spring. Good luck with the new boat!
The last 6 year promo ended on November 22, 2016. Hopefully they'll come out with another one you can utilize. Seems like they're happening more often.
Geeze, I should have been more aware but was still trying to decide. Ordered 03-Dec. Hope I can get it. thanks all
They offer them just before the start of boat show season. Mine wasn't in place when I ordered mine in Sept of 14. I took delivery in April but got the 5 yr extended warranty that was offered that Feb or March. Your dealer should be on top of that for you.
yep, yep, they committed to providing the extended warranty as long as it is offered at some point between now and delivery. thanks
They need to do this to even try to compete on repowers since Honda and Suzuki both come in 5-7k cheaper in the 225hp range.

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