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  1. N

    21SE for Mass North Shore waters?

    Tuna when they’re running but also bottomfishing (cod when it’s legal, haddock spring time, blue sharks in summer)
  2. N

    21SE for Mass North Shore waters?

    Dave that’s great feedback, especially considering well be in the same waters. Do you ever head to Jeffries? Friend of mine trailers his boat to Rockport and launches from granite state pier and says he’s able to get ~10 miles out near the cove in about 30 minutes on calm days without having to...
  3. N

    21SE for Mass North Shore waters?

    I think a lot of the people on Hulltruth do a lot, maybe even primarily, trips of 20+ miles just about every time they go out, so I can see where they might be heavily biased to a DV. Yes will definitely be picking days, and if I gain more confidence as I gain experience over the next few years...
  4. N

    21SE for Mass North Shore waters?

    Greetings all, I was recommended to this forum as the best possible place to ask the following question/recommendation. So, I’m in the market to buy my first boat. Not new to boating, just to owning. The 21SE has really caught my eye for the type of boating I’ll be doing which is 75% fishing...