Edson wheel(s) upgrade

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Lewes, DE
Watch this space... because the OEM Parker destroyer wheel you see here is being replaced with a 14.5" Edson Stainless ComfortGrip PowerWheel very soon.
It has been ordered... and now I wait. :|


Oh... and not just one wheel. The rear station is being treated to a 13" Edson ProSeries Stainless PowerWheel too.
Watch for it to arrive here soon.


I bought the Admiral jewelry for her birthday, so now it's time for a little jewelry for the boat. :D
gw204":33t8y7gz said:
What wheel is on the rear station now...and wacha gonna do with it?

It is a 13" stainless wheel of unknown manufacturer.
If you can use it on your boat, she is yours. :wink:
I was thinking of it for my Aquasport. Let me know what you want for it.... Cash...cases (or 30-packs)....whatever. :D
The new wheels arrived yesterday, so as promised... here is the rest of the story!

The hardware...


The first wheel to get 'the treatment' was the one on the rear station.


Installation was simple.
Remove the hub cap, then loosen the nut on the shaft with an adjustable wrench.


Leave the nut on the shaft finger tight, then grasp the wheel at the 3 and 9 o'clock position and gently wiggle it until it pops free of the tapered shaft. Leaving the nut on the shaft keeps the wheel from popping off unexpectedly and depositing the owner on the floor (or worse).

I cleaned the tapered shaft and then put a thin coat of prop shaft grease on the taper to make future removal easier.


Edson supplies two nylon 'nuts' depending on your shaft size, as well as the finish nut which covers everything.



Cover the finish nut with a soft cloth and snug it down with an adjustable wrench.


Duplicate everything at the helm...


And you're done!

Cha-Ching $$ !

Looks sweet ... darn it, too late to grab that old 13" wheel from you ...

Wow! Lottsa Glare at the Helm,,, you'll need your RayBans just to stand at the station!. 8) 8)

Let me guess....you wanted to put a suicide knob on the PH helm, and wanted to get the best,, Edson,, but you also wanted a more -integrated- approach than just bolting on to the original Parker wheel. Didn't want to take any chances that the bolt-on knob could somehow separate from the Destroyer wheel. :shock:

So you found an Edson wheel that had the sucide knob -cast in- to the wheel. Massively secure. :D

Excellent upgrade! It looks like the Edson is a tab "beefier" in diameter of the tubing that makes the wheel, is that an optical illusion, or is the wheel actually "thicker" where you grip it? Is the wheel overall diameter the same at the PH as the OEM?

cbigma":69f130xr said:
It looks like the Edson is a tab "beefier" in diameter of the tubing that makes the wheel, is that an optical illusion, or is the wheel actually "thicker" where you grip it? Is the wheel overall diameter the same at the PH as the OEM?

John, The rim of the Edson is a bit thicker, and it's definately heavier.
The 14.5" wheel at the helm has an insert on the back side that they call their 'comfort grip'.


The 13" wheel out in the 'pit has a solid stainless rim.

Megabyte":23w0vxqx said:
The 14.5" wheel at the helm has an insert on the back side that they call their 'comfort grip'

COMFY! So I wouldn't need the "Kung-Fu Grip" any more for those white-knuckle rides home! :D :D

Where did you source these wheels? Online or locally? Are they heavy enough that their own mass will carry them around centrifigally if you spin them without using the knob?

I can get you the West Marine version in 13.5" for < $100, I think $80 and tax. Check their site to see if their's anything you like.