Got my 2320!

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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2006
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY USA
Hey guys. I finally got my boat last week! Here are some pics from this weekend. I'm still busy rigging her up. Cant wait to use it! I love the boat already!








Get some Collinite and Woody Wax on that beauty right away! It's easier to keep the shine than it is to ressurect (sp?) it. Congrats on the new Pilot house. I remember the feeling. Isn't love grand when it's new?!!! :D

And the name of the boat is???
Sheepshead Bay Dom. LoL. :lol:

The name of the boat is "Anna Bella". I'm getting the decals the weekend. See my avatar. Thanks guys.

I used to have the fastest 2320 around with my F-225. That 250 will really get her out of the hole! I'll be curious as to how she handles relative to my DVSC! Sweet!!!

Greybeard is gonna be jealous!

Gotta love the smell of new fiberglass. Congratulations! :D
I agree with Ranger... Would love to have that motor on mine. :wink:
It is posts like this with pictures that sometimes have me second guess my decision. Great Looking boat with a dance floor cockpit!
The boat feels awesome with the F250. Great holeshot, nice top end, handles beautifully, and to top it off the motor is very quiet. Gotta love Yamaha. I cant wait to see what my fuel consumption is like. If this weekend is decent I plan on taking her out for a nice ride.

Thanks for the warm welcome. I can't wait to get the wiring done so I can use her! My boat is a wreck right now with all these tools and wires all over the cabin. Hopefully this weekend. :shock:

Good luck with her, please post some speeds, like what she cruises at, what the speed/rpm she gets on plane. Looking to up grade soon to your engine.
I'm with Tim,,,,Collonite and Woody Wax.... Don't put it off until July....

Wait...what's up in Pic #3 ...right under your port bow, that funky shiny port-looking thing... :eek:

Is it?... could it be?...... Aw guys.....he got the special laser missle option. :shock:

I sure could use it to clear a path through those blow-boat races off Marblehead. :wink:

Congrats Dom. I wish you many happy years with her.

cbigma":3hth3zdq said:
Wait...what's up in Pic #3 ...right under your port bow, that funky shiny port-looking thing... :eek:
Is it?... could it be?...... Aw guys.....he got the special laser missle option. :shock:
I sure could use it to clear a path through those blow-boat races off Marblehead. :wink:

Oh lordy... I need to have you down here in the summer for the weekly Annapolis sailboat races. :shock:

They come out of the Severn River and take over the Bay!
There have been times that I could not get out into the Bay from my creek due to those pinheads! They act like they own the place!
LoL. I think it's a reflection off the water. I didnt even notice that.

What kind of treatment do you guys recommend? Woody Wax for the deck and stainless, and Collonite for the rest of the hull? When I have her pulled for the 20 hour service I'll do it. I have a full bottle of Collinite #870 that I never got around to using on my Seaswirl. This the right stuff?


There's a hundred,,,no, make that a -thousand- different recipes for waxing. It's like making a Minestrone.
Everyone's got their own recipe. Personally I prefer the Collinite Klingon Cloaking Device Method.

After Using this Collinite waxing recipe your Parker will actually become a giant mirror and reflect
all surroundings. But beware,, flocks of Canada Geese will try to migrate through you. Whales
will try to mate with your Parker, and Blondes will run to your slip to apply makeup. :shock:

You must use #925 Cleaner followed by #920 Wax.

You'll need a Karate Kid to Wax-on Wax-off. No Mechanical Buffers needed.


Caution, put a line on your stern and tie it to the bow as it may try to disappear into the woods.


Shiny Carolina Flare


Seriously Dom, of the 200 registered users on CP, there are possibly 2004
different waxing techniques. Collinite worked awesomely for us.
Two coats of the wax in April, and we still had beading water in October. :mrgreen:

Your mileage may vary. :lol:
Oh, one more thing, move the blondes away from the boat before backing out of the slip. :roll:
