There's a hundred,,,no, make that a -thousand- different recipes for waxing. It's like making a Minestrone.
Everyone's got their own recipe. Personally I prefer the Collinite Klingon Cloaking Device Method.
After Using this Collinite waxing recipe your Parker will actually become a giant mirror and reflect
all surroundings. But beware,, flocks of Canada Geese will try to migrate through you. Whales
will try to mate with your Parker, and Blondes will run to your slip to apply makeup. :shock:
You must use #925 Cleaner followed by #920 Wax.
You'll need a Karate Kid to Wax-on Wax-off. No Mechanical Buffers needed.
Caution, put a line on your stern and tie it to the bow as it may try to disappear into the woods.
Shiny Carolina Flare
Seriously Dom, of the 200 registered users on CP, there are possibly 2004
different waxing techniques. Collinite worked awesomely for us.
Two coats of the wax in April, and we still had beading water in October. :mrgreen:
Your mileage may vary. :lol:
Oh, one more thing, move the blondes away from the boat before backing out of the slip. :roll: