J jagibbs3 Active member Joined Mar 8, 2006 Messages 37 Reaction score 0 Location Reedville, VA Apr 10, 2006 #1 Anyone know where I can purchase two step fiberglass stairs I see on many boats tucked up tight to either side rear of cabin and washboard?
Anyone know where I can purchase two step fiberglass stairs I see on many boats tucked up tight to either side rear of cabin and washboard?
DaleH FOUNDER of Classic Parker Forum Joined Feb 16, 2006 Messages 4,659 Reaction score 46 Location Newbury, MA Apr 10, 2006 #2 You mean these? If so, most boat stores sell them or will get them for you. FWIW I use a beige heavy plastic one (matches the gelcoat perfectly) that I bought from Home Depot for $12 , but I'm a cheap b@$$tard. Oh yeah, it's rated to 250 pounds.
You mean these? If so, most boat stores sell them or will get them for you. FWIW I use a beige heavy plastic one (matches the gelcoat perfectly) that I bought from Home Depot for $12 , but I'm a cheap b@$$tard. Oh yeah, it's rated to 250 pounds.