Testing new autopilot, Garmin Reactor 40, in a 2320SC

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2020
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I have not had nearly enough time on the water with the new AP system for anything approaching a full review.
I'll add to this as I get more use, the first impressions exceeded my expectations. It is simply an amazing little device, doing everything from heading hold - at all speeds - to autorouting to a waypoint in a channel - sweeeeet!

The remote adds the wow factor as it even has gesture control albeit I prefer to press the arrows in the remote - to steer the boat. Very cool.

I am an okay DIY-er but decided to go with a professional installer for this project; Octopus Yachts of Belmar, NJ in my case. Glad I did, it was not a trivial job particularly with the second helm configuration. The guys did an outstanding job, picked best locations for everything, calibration are spot on, and they bled and re-bled my steering so it works better than new from factory. I also got the G3 Vision maps installed, and the new ACR OLAS MOB system, so I'm a happy camper.




I have not had nearly enough time on the water with the new AP system for anything approaching a full review.
I'll add to this as I get more use, the first impressions exceeded my expectations. It is simply an amazing little device, doing everything from heading hold - at all speeds - to autorouting to a waypoint in a channel - sweeeeet!

The remote adds the wow factor as it even has gesture control albeit I prefer to press the arrows in the remote - to steer the boat. Very cool.

I am an okay DIY-er but decided to go with a professional installer for this project; Octopus Yachts of Belmar, NJ in my case. Glad I did, it was not a trivial job particularly with the second helm configuration. The guys did an outstanding job, picked best locations for everything, calibration are spot on, and they bled and re-bled my steering so it works better than new from factory. I also got the G3 Vision maps installed, and the new ACR OLAS MOB system, so I'm a happy camper.

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Great set-up.... Good to see the videos too!
Great set-up.... Good to see the videos too!
I needed to cut out a clip or it would be NSFW, lol.
I was messing around with the AP, my wife did not appreciate me leaving the helm, lol.

Auto tracking feels a bit insane in a channel though. The great feature of this system is the "shadow drive" - you can start steering at the helm at any time, the system senses the helm pump (either helm) and goes into "shadow drive" mode - basically a manual override; as soon as you stop steering it snaps back into the auto mode. Feels insane, but it is a great feature in crowded place, like where we boat - we usually pass dozens of boats on the way in and out, and some of them can be wild captains - so the manual override is used a lot.
Great job.

I recently installed the reactor 40 AP on my 2320. So much nicer for those long 40-60 mile run out days. I can’t wait to try the new some of the features tuna and salmon trolling.
I have not had nearly enough time on the water with the new AP system for anything approaching a full review.
I'll add to this as I get more use, the first impressions exceeded my expectations. It is simply an amazing little device, doing everything from heading hold - at all speeds - to autorouting to a waypoint in a channel - sweeeeet!

The remote adds the wow factor as it even has gesture control albeit I prefer to press the arrows in the remote - to steer the boat. Very cool.

I am an okay DIY-er but decided to go with a professional installer for this project; Octopus Yachts of Belmar, NJ in my case. Glad I did, it was not a trivial job particularly with the second helm configuration. The guys did an outstanding job, picked best locations for everything, calibration are spot on, and they bled and re-bled my steering so it works better than new from factory. I also got the G3 Vision maps installed, and the new ACR OLAS MOB system, so I'm a happy camper.

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Did you install? Can I ask how much also I am waiting on the delivery of my 2320 with the 300
I have not had nearly enough time on the water with the new AP system for anything approaching a full review.
I'll add to this as I get more use, the first impressions exceeded my expectations. It is simply an amazing little device, doing everything from heading hold - at all speeds - to autorouting to a waypoint in a channel - sweeeeet!

The remote adds the wow factor as it even has gesture control albeit I prefer to press the arrows in the remote - to steer the boat. Very cool.

I am an okay DIY-er but decided to go with a professional installer for this project; Octopus Yachts of Belmar, NJ in my case. Glad I did, it was not a trivial job particularly with the second helm configuration. The guys did an outstanding job, picked best locations for everything, calibration are spot on, and they bled and re-bled my steering so it works better than new from factory. I also got the G3 Vision maps installed, and the new ACR OLAS MOB system, so I'm a happy camper.

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Next time you run your boat, start a “track” in your chart plotter existing your marina to where you reach open ocean. Best to do this on a low traffic day when you can steer your boat using heading mode with the autopilot engaged without interrupting exactly how you would like it to go, as in staying on the right side of the channel for the trip out to open ocean. Upon reaching open ocean, stop the “track“ save it as a “ROUTE” and name it “Exit”.

When you head back in, position the boat in open water in an ideal location to begin the route back to your marina. Now start another “track”, steer your boat back to the marina on autopilot staying on the right side of the channel. Upon reaching your marina, stop the “track” and save it as a route marked “Return”.

You will now have saved routes that your autopilot can follow leaving and returning to your marina.


Depending upon the performance of your autopilot and how narrow your route is leading to the sea, will impact how effectively your autopilot can follow these routes and if navigating in tight spaces constant attention and monitoring of the pilot is require for both traffic and to make sure the pilot doesn’t stray and hit an obstruction.

In my instance I run about 3 miles to open ocean from my marina. For the last 7 years 90+% of the time I am on autopilot following my Ocean Exit or Ocean Return routes.

Once routes & autopilot performance are tested to work having these saved routes can be extremely valuable both at night and in the fog, two conditions I run in frequently. Having the autopilot removes the workload of holding heading manually and makes it easier to monitor the RADAR scanning for traffic/ obstructions and monitoring location on the plotter and sonar to confirm that the boat is where it should be.

When operating like this you can remain on auto pilot while transitioning back and forth to heading mode to make adjustments as necessary to avoid traffic & obstructions.

At ANY TIME that you feel overwhelmed managing the autopilot disengage it and steer the boat manually. The autopilot is designed to lower work load not increase it.

I think you will discover the more you use the autopilot and the more comfortable you become with it’s operation, the MORE you will appreciate how incredible of a tool they can be especially in low visibility conditions when the autopilot can lower your workload and allow you to concentrate more on the RADAR then holding heading with the helm.

On a typical day I will run my “EXIT” route to open ocean. Upon reaching ocean, without ever disengaging the pilot I will select “stop follow” in my plotter and then select the waypoint I am planning on starting my fishing at, typically 20+ miles away, selected “go to” and that’s it, boat is headed that way without me ever touching the helm.

Leaving fishing, 20, 30 miles offshore, I set the plotter up to follow my “Return” route and let it rip, boat on autopilot heads to that initial fix on my “RETURN“ route and then follows the rest of the rout to the marina.

Along the way I may have to alter course several times for traffic but I typically do so with autopilot still engaged just transiting back and forth to heading mode as required by the situation......
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On a typical day I will run my “EXIT” route to open ocean.
Brilliant! I didn't think of it, quite that way. I'll be doing this later today.
Many thanks, your posts are most informative.

how incredible of a tool they can be especially in low visibility conditions
That is worth emphasizing.

I am in the Carteret marina, which is just south of Elizabeth and Newark Bay, NJ, inside the Kill channel - about as busy a harbor as it gets with huge container ships and tugs galore, passing up and down constantly.

It is a 2-3 mile trek up or down the channel for me to get out, will be a while before I venture to do it at night, or in low visibility conditions, deliberately, but you never know.
I've been a river rat for the past 20 years (in MO), lots of big barges on the Mississippi, but it's different. Some of the container ships and tankers here make those barges look like tonka-toys.




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That is worth emphasizing.

I am in the Carteret marina, which is just south of Elizabeth and Newark Bay, NJ, inside the Kill channel - about as busy a harbor as it gets with huge container ships and tugs galore, passing up and down constantly.

It is a 2-3 mile trek up or down the channel for me to get out, will be a while before I venture to do it at night, or in low visibility conditions, deliberately, but you never know.
I've been a river rat for the past 20 years (in MO), lots of big barges on the Mississippi, but it's different. Some of the container ships and tankers here make those barges look like tonka-toys.
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Yea that’s a busy channel my friend. Look on the bright side, you wont miss them on the RADAR. :)

Your excitement with your new boat is fun to watch and it obvious that you’re a guy not playing with setting up the boat nicely.

I offer suggestions as to things that have worked for me over the years but don’t ASSume that I am always right, verifying internet advice, including advice from me is always the smart play.

Enjoy the new equipment and keep your head on a swivel. Lots of inconsiderate, ignorant and seemingly BLIND people on the water who either don’t know or do not care about anyone else they share the water with.....
Love this boat so far; feels incredibly solid, no flexing, and re-enters quite nicely if one were to (accidentally) go a little too fast over some waves.
Today was a bit sporty in the lower bay of NY, 3+ft all over, too sporty to hold the phone for pics, at least at the helm. But the upper bay was just a little rougher than normal, my daughter slept through it.

On the way back, it's nice to open up, go 50+mph in the last stretch, the pilot house cuts the wind.

Would you mind posting pictures of where and how they mounted the pump?
Absolutely. I keep forgetting to take pictures of the install , will do next time I'm in the boat.
The pump and the ECM are mounted low on the starboard side behind the captain's chair, in the space with pass-through openings for the rod holders under gunnels, if that makes sense.
The install with dual helm is considerably more challenging, I'll post some drafts the installer left me, along with the pics.

Did you install? Can I ask how much also I am waiting on the delivery of my 2320 with the 300
I had it professionally installed by the Octopus Yachts Marine of Belmar, NJ.
If it was a single helm I might have tackled it myself, but the dual helm install is just not trivial.
I'm very happy but it is not inexpensive.
I have had a bunch of other things done, including adding a bluesea box, ACR OLAS wireless system, and G3 Vision maps, etc. a bit hard to parse out my bill, but the rough estimate for the AP install including custom connections would be ~2.5k.
I bought the system many months ago from Gil (@Semperfifishing on THT) in anticipation of supply issues.

Grouper Jim I have to agree I just installed one this past winter last weekend was the first time I was able to actually fully use on a tuna run. Drove a total of around 160 miles works like a gem.
I had it professionally installed by the Octopus Yachts Marine of Belmar, NJ.
If it was a single helm I might have tackled it myself, but the dual helm install is just not trivial.
I'm very happy but it is not inexpensive.
I have had a bunch of other things done, including adding a bluesea box, ACR OLAS wireless system, and G3 Vision maps, etc. a bit hard to parse out my bill, but the rough estimate for the AP install including custom connections would be ~2.5k.
I bought the system many months ago from Gil (@Semperfifishing on THT) in anticipation of supply issues.

awesome thank you
"Training" my autopilot to track inside the channel...
Thanks @Mpellet ! :cool:


There is enough glow around here even after dark, but getting caught in fog is a different story.


I needed to cut out a clip or it would be NSFW, lol.
I was messing around with the AP, my wife did not appreciate me leaving the helm, lol.

Auto tracking feels a bit insane in a channel though. The great feature of this system is the "shadow drive" - you can start steering at the helm at any time, the system senses the helm pump (either helm) and goes into "shadow drive" mode - basically a manual override; as soon as you stop steering it snaps back into the auto mode. Feels insane, but it is a great feature in crowded place, like where we boat - we usually pass dozens of boats on the way in and out, and some of them can be wild captains - so the manual override is used a lot.
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Where was the motor mounted?
Where was the motor mounted?
Hey Kapulani, Swatski was an active CP participant a few years ago. He sold his Parker, bought a larger (different brand) boat, and has not been active here since doing so.... I don't think he monitors CP so he likely won't be responding to your question..... Didn't mean to butt-in here; but I didn't want you to think Swatski was ignoring you! ☺He was a helpful, active participant and was known for his exceptional photography...

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