Anyone running an Etec on a 2520?

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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2016
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Took a 2014 250hp etec off my proline which was coming apart and installed it on a Parker 2520. Having some issues getting a prop to give me the performance I am looking for. Is anyone else running a 250 etec on this hull, if so which prop have you found to work the best?
So I'm running a 14 dead rise on a 2530 like madgar said. I have switch props several times and now running a rebel 3x15 3/4 x15 prop. Which is more true to a 17 pitch then a 15 pitch. I called up Ken at prop gods and we talked about the four blade but wasn't good for this hull on general purpose for getting good fuel economy.
I have a 2520XL, 16 degree deadrise and am running an Etec 300 with a Thunderbolt QuickSilver 3 x 15 3/4 x 15.

I tried a couple Evinrude Cyclone 4 blade props, but got the best performance with the big 3 blade.
Thanks for the replies. I am now looking for a rebel 15 X 15.75. Talked with several owners including kidfreediver. No one liked the 4 blade cyclone.