I made a stop ay Indian River Inlet Marina (DE) while on a bike ride at the beach, to 'look at the boats'... 8)
Shorts Marine, the local Parker dealer in Millsboro (DE) happened to have a pair of Parkers on display at the marina
- a 2320 sport cabin and an 1800 center console, both rigged with Evinrude Etec power.
For what it's worth... The local Grady White dealer in Delaware (Taylor Marine) doesn't rig with Yamahas either.
They hang Hondas on all of their boats.
Apparently the Delaware boat dealers aren't 'Yamaha friendly'.
Shorts Marine, the local Parker dealer in Millsboro (DE) happened to have a pair of Parkers on display at the marina
- a 2320 sport cabin and an 1800 center console, both rigged with Evinrude Etec power.

For what it's worth... The local Grady White dealer in Delaware (Taylor Marine) doesn't rig with Yamahas either.
They hang Hondas on all of their boats.
Apparently the Delaware boat dealers aren't 'Yamaha friendly'.