Cleaning the cabin 'carpet' on the walls???

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Hi Scott!
I have copied this from a previous post. Good luck!

When we bought our '02 2520XL it had been neglected for a several years. The "monkey fur" carpet has horrible and we thought it would have to be removed and replaced. It was filthy and the fibers were as you described. Since we had nothing to loose we attacked it with a pump-up garden sprayer filled with Oxi-Clean. After soaking the carpet and waiting 20 minutes, it looked like a crime scene. Actually, it looked like there had been a knife fight in there! Next step was a garden hose with a pressure nozzle. We were absolutely shocked at the results! We used a Shop-Vac to suck as much water out of the carpet and left the windows open for a few days. Unbelievable!

It still sheds a bit, but nothing like before, so in the spring we will repeat the process. After that I'm going to try spraying on some 303 Fabric Protectant. Hopefully that will help with the shedding.