Embarrasing morning for me/ big smile for #1/ suggestions?

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2006
Reaction score
Normandy Beach, NJ
My oldest son and I were fortunate to be invited out for a morning of ocean fishing about 5 miles out of Barnegat Inlet. Forum member Devilfish, who is also my slip neighbor, put us on to some fluke, a black seabass, and 1,943 dogfish. The dogfish were generally pretty good size, and a real blast to bring up. I wish you could have seen the smile on my son's face. He was natural too... jumping from reel to reel, pulling 'em in... but by the end of our morning we were all saying "We don't need no stinkin' dogfish!"

The embarrasing part was my seasickness taking up 2/3 the trip. I hadn't eaten, and had embibed a fair amount of OJ and coffee at dawn. I dang well felt old. But with my pride swallowed, next time I will be out on a stomach of toast I guess, and a handful of bonine (sp?).

We were in 2-3 footers, and it wasn't nasty. This might have happened to me because of my recent diet, and the fact that I haven't been feeling all to well as of late. What would you prescribe for my ailment! Devilfish and my son repeatedly called me a sissy and slapped me repeatedly in between fish-boatings. I can't handle that again....
Much has been written about seasickness and its cure......

When I go offshore (about once a week now).. I use scopolamine patches...... ask your doctor!

If I were to take an OTC med like dramamine it makes me very sleepy... the scopolamine does not.

It happens to the best of us.
I have never had seasickness on a smaller boat. Put me on a large boat, add some diesel stink and I am done for.
I have found the best cure for seasickness is to avoid it all together.
I find that staying busy is my best defense.
I also try to avoid fluids and eat bread foods.
The scopolamine patches can be cut in half and unused half, resealed in the package for later use. A whole patch will cause dry mouth for me. Sooner they go on, like 12 hours before, the better they work. It's the only thing that I have found that allows me to fully function. It;s hard to navigate and fish when sleepy.
I know how it feels. I have had a few episodes myself.
When I know the Bay is going to behave in a way to challenge my Parker, and my stomach I drink Norhtern Neck Gingerale prior to and on my fishing trips. NN Gingerale has the highest concentrate of ginger that I have found.
Ginger is a natural herb that settles the stomach.
Try it sometime.
Oh, on the way back in...have a cold one.
I did some boat work for a Doctor who had a tour of duty w/ Jacques Cousteau. We've been using Bonine ever since...
Been there, done that. I've spent my share of time hanging over the side of a boat. Up until 2 years ago when I suddenly had a heart problem (95% clogged coronary artery, fixed with a stent), I was an active scuba diver since 1976 diving the near-shore NJ wrecks. I've been out in good conditions and didn't make it 20 minutes past the inlet. I've been out in pure slop without so much as a burp. Seems like you just get those days.

Staying focused and occupied seems to help. Even on my boat if I'm not feeling so well, it seems to pass on its own once I start moving and concentrate on running the boat.

I've used just about all of the OTC meds with mixed results. The patch worked pretty well, but then it was pulled from the market for awhile (something with the packaging). If the regular meds (bonine, dramamine, triptone, etc.) don't work well, when I could find it I used Marazine. It seemed to work the best for me and I used it for a long time as I was still able to dive while using it.

John S.
The trick to the OTC meds and the patches is that you need to take one about 2-3 hours before departing the dock. They take a while to take effect. If you toss one down at the dock as the dock lines are being pulled, you'll be in trouble.

Another trick I learned from TheHullTruth.com was to keep saltine crackers and gingerale on board. I always have a 6-pack of those small gingerale cans and crackers with me. Has helped more than one guest regain his/her composure.
I second the Bonine always take if going to be a little rough,and doesn't seem to make me sleepy.
I second the Bonine always take if going to be a little rough,and doesn't seem to make me sleepy.
nothing to be embarrassed about.......as a physician, i am quite aware of
the beneficial effects of these drugs, but as with ALL drugs, they have
their jekyll and hide personality......with these drugs it is loss of attentive
ness even to the point of transient psychosisl.......these ARE mind-altering
drugs, make no mistake.......

here are some of what i have used to avoid this "anticholinergic" group

[1] stay at the transom with a full view of the horizon......stay out of
the cabin.....stay in the centerline of the boat to reduce the lateral
motion noticeably....

[2] be well-rested, ie not hung-over........eat frequently of non-fatty
foods, ie nuts, granola bars, egg whites, and fruit.....NO COFFEE AND
NO BOOZE.......these are very hard on the stomach......

[3] more and more people, myself being certainly among them, are
finding that DEHYDATION and mal de mer are the one process!!....
drink GATORADE in large amounts, ie pee clear every hour or two....
to reduce trash, i recc buying the GATORADE POWDER and mixing
it up into liter mug on the boat.......the effect of excellent hydration
over borderline DEhydration is subtle but significant......recall that
both coffee and booze are DIURETICS, and will cause/aggravate
dehydration....further, once you vomit, now you to into serious
depths of dehydration very quickly and easily......

taking good care of yourself at sea is both safety and comfort issue.....
i, for one, take it with the utmost seriousness and planning.......with
excellent outcomes.........this isnt really complex.....dan

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