Fire at forum members home Sat night

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Lewes, DE
ClassicParker forum member B-Faithful suffered a fire at his home Saturday night, after attending the Annapolis rendezvous.

Some details can be found here: ... 90&start=1

Apparently Greg had stained his deck earlier in the day using a product that contained linseed oil. The linseed contaminated towels were in his garage and spontaneously conbusted during the night.

The good news is that Greg had early warning through the use of working smoke detectors, and the family made it out of the burning home OK.

I'm not sure if there is anything we can do to help, but if there is I will report back.
That's all I have for now.

How about this idea ... any and every garage I've ever seen has been chock full of items like buckets, ladders, and tools of all sorts. I would bet that most of us have extras of some of those items (and more) lying around in our own garages.

Let's see if you can find out what Greg "lost" and then we'll see if we can help him recover some? Thoughts??
As of the latest message from Greg, his insurance company is stepping up to the plate and at this point, he is OK. I believe he lost a lot of boating and fishing items, but those too (I believe) will be covered.

It'll take awhile for him to get all this sorted out, so for the time being we're letting him know that if there is anything he needs, we'll be there with whatever we can do to help.

As soon as I know anything, I'll let the CP membership know. :wink:
Stand-by for updates...
Yes, I am the bone head that cannot read the warning labels on deck stains.

we are all set. Insurance has stepped up and is taking good care of us along with friends and family. They are going through the stuff tomorrow and taking an inventory of what was lost. Everything should be replaced.

Currently my two older children are in Strathmere NJ with my parents enjoying the beach and boating (didnt want them around seeing their charred toys, etc.) We will join them next week in Sea Isle City as I am on vacation. Sandy and I look forward to fun time with our children away from this set back.

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!
Good to know Greg.

If you guys need anything at all, you know how to get ahold of me. :wink:
I'm glad you and the family are safe and the insurance company is stepping to the plate. I'm even happier you had working smoke detectors. Which reminds me I'll test mine tonight. Don't be hard on yourself though.

Again, thanks for sharing your story. To quote a friend, "because sharing is what we do best."

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