Gas Prices

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2006
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
It looks as though gas prices are going to start high and just go higher this season. Will the prices affect the way everyone uses their boats? I plan to go out just as much but I will fish the bay more than in the past. I will also pick calm days to run offshore.
Will the prices affect me? Yes.

I will fish closer to home, and I will do fewer 'exploritory' missions this year.
we will most likely have to raise prices slightly for our charters!
As for me fishing, I'll still put in my time as usual!
gas prices already affected me. I sold a Pro-line 2950 that got around 1.4mpg at best and now own a 25'er that gets around 2.8mpg!

I plan on boating as much as I can (weather and wife are the main limiting factors). 8)
I'll be ok this year aslong as I never let my wife know how much cheaper it would be if I just went to the seafood market for the Tuna.
Gas prices will suk, but it won't stop me. When I stop going out because of gas prices I will sell the boat and I don't see that happening.

A friend of mine just bought a 28' Baja with twin 454's good luck to him.
I don't know yet. I put in at Chesapeake Beach MD and have been known to run S to the CCNPP (~15 miles) then NE into the Choptank (~15 miles then into the East Bay (~10 miles), etc. Its not unusual for me to run 50-100 miles a day including trolling and never once thought about the cost of gas. I try to keep the boat full or near 150 gallons.

Let me think. Last year at $1.50 I usually put in $50 to $100 in the boat and $40 in the truck. So basically this year that will double to $100 to $200 for the boat and $80 for the truck!

I think I'll troll more and "Run and Gun" a lot less.
Here in SE Virginia we have an additional concern - we are switching from re-formulated gas to ethanol. The ethanol has a tendency to clean the sludge and water from storage tanks and deliver it to your car/boat/whatever. Dealers are supposed to have their tanks tested and cleaned prior to the switchover and install better filters, but there is no real enforcement and I get the impression that the fringe dealers such as marinas don't even know about the change. So, who knows what the impact will be on our vehicles?
andertonm, Ethanol is on one of the prime reasons gas prices are going up. There is not enough of it being produced yet for it to go around and its expensive to ship. I see a lot of federally subsidized, wealthy corn growers in Nebraska in the future.... ... ices_x.htm ... rices.html

(I cannot find any info to validate a friends comments that it takes more energy to create ethanol from corn than it produces currently--sugar cane is a lot easier to convert to ethanol according to him. Like I said, I do not know the validity of his statements)
B-Faithful":31pwccdy said:
andertonm, Ethanol is on one of the prime reasons gas prices are going up. There is not enough of it being produced yet for it to go around and its expensive to ship. I see a lot of federally subsidized, wealthy corn growers in Nebraska in the future.... ... ices_x.htm ... rices.html

(I cannot find any info to validate a friends comments that it takes more energy to create ethanol from corn than it produces currently--sugar cane is a lot easier to convert to ethanol according to him. Like I said, I do not know the validity of his statements)

The US farmer has been taking it in the ear for decades. It is about time we start paying them rather than the rag-heads in the Middle East.

Anyone know what Yamaha's position is on ethanol and their motors?
I filled up on the road yesterday at $2.84. $170.00! I am glad the tank wasn't empty. The good thing is that with my new fuel management system I saw that as I trolled, I averaged ~ .5 to .7 GPH.

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