In need of curtain hanger 'thingies'

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Lewes, DE
Sorry folks, but I don't know what to call these things.

I have a 2520 MVSC with the canvas curtain covering the opening to the v-berth...
Well... during a little cleaning, I decided to launder the curtain and one of the little plastic 'thingies' that is sewn to the curtain (and runs in the overhead track), broke off in the washer. :(

I guess that after 10 years, if one broke, others are sure to follow, so I'd like to get a dozen or so so I can replace them before they become a problem.

Does anyone know a source of supply for these things? If I knew what they were called, I'd do a Google search, but for now I'm at a loss...

Any ideas?

I believe they are standard RV style of curtains and rods (e.g., guides for those plastic thingies). Go to the big RV dealer there on the south side of Rt. 50 after you cross the Severn going E. (may be off the Cape St. Claire exit)
Porkchunker":1vtxwnit said:
I believe they are standard RV style of curtains and rods (e.g., guides for those plastic thingies). Go to the big RV dealer there on the south side of Rt. 50 after you cross the Severn going E. (may be off the Cape St. Claire exit)

Thanks Dave! I never even considered that an RV place might use the same item. That RV place is right on my way home, so I'll check them out!
BTW - That's the Bay Dale Drive exit off of Rte 50... :D
Porkchunker":1xof9jkp said:
So did the RV joint square you away with your problem?

I have not stopped in there yet as I didn't know what to ask for.
Now I believe I do. It's called a "Sew-In Carrier". :wink: ... rrier.aspx

Found them!

The 'thingies' are called "Curtain Carriers" and the ones I got are from the RV Designer Collection
called a Small Sew in Carrier (#7) used in GMC Motorhomes. Part number - 3800108

I found them locally at:

Recreation World
117 Ferguson Road
Annapolis, MD 21401

$4.23 (incl tax) for what looks to be a dozen in the package.
OK folks... Here is the repair.

The base of the old curtain hanger was sewn into the corner of the curtain, while the top piece was snapped off.
The curtain carriers had been sewn in with a machine, and this one was in the corner, so I had quite a few stitches that needed to be removed before I could extract it.


Before going to the boat, I drilled six 1/16" holes in the base of the carrier so I could get the fine sewing needle through the plastic.
My sewing skills are pretty poor, so this part (hitting the holes in the plastic) and sewing everything up tight, isn't some of my best work.
BTW - That's my blood on the fabric... :cry:


But... results are what counts, and not the curtain hangs properly with no gaps.


After this job was completed, my buddy Dave and I did a little fishing at a super-secret local spot. :mrgreen:

Megabyte":2bzqyopm said:
BTW - That's my blood on the fabric ... :cry:

Neither the Management, Adminstration, or Moderators of thre "Classic Parker" site are liable for injuries caused by effecting your own repairs.


... or while falling off the chair while on the computer reading such posts :shock: !
Hey... I told you my sewing skills were poor. :oops:
I stuck myself with that needle more than once... :cry:
Nice Job Kevin!

How long is it going to be before Classic Parker has a tutorial on repair/replacement of -every- fixture, fitting, and detail that Parker has ever used on a boat? :)

Even though you think your stitching skills are only "sew-sew" I was impressed with your committment. Most artists just sign their canvas, you sealed it with blood!. :lol: