this is a hot topic perenially.....i have a 350 v-8 on my has
some advantages, ie huge alternator with external regulator, ie it is
much quieter than ob, ie it use 7gal/hr at 3200 and 19 knots so is
very should distinguish straight inboard from i/o!
if you keep the boat IN THE WATER, do not go I/O.....the unit will get
corroded and mucked up quickly, and sanding and antifouling rx on
an i/o is about like pushing a wet noodle up a wildcat`s ass with a
swizzle stick.....go ob or ib if you have it in the water.....i keep mine
on a hi-dri rack at all times specifically because i have an i/0.....
the inboard will have the problem of hitting the bottom....this will
cost you thousands every time....on the upper chesapeake, a straight
inboard is masochism......the bottom WILL find your lower unit.....
i wouldnt try to trailer an inboard either....too hard to launch and retrieve,
and too much weight vs ob.....
in short, WHERE your boat is kept and WHERE your boat is used are
the rational guides to your selection.....the perfect engine hasnt yet
been built, and each setup has definite and predictable strengths and
weaknesses.......because i was going to use hi-dri, because i planned
to have much battery capacity installed, and because the upper chesa
peake guarantees frequest groundings, an i/o was the proper choice for
me.......but that is the kind of rational, analytic thinking you want to use...
dont let anybody tell you that any engine is what is "best" allround....
they are either ignorant or blowing smoke up your tailpipe.....dan