Lesa Elaine is in...(UPDATED)

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2006
Reaction score
Cape May Court House, NJ
Dropped in late afternoon on Sunday...Docked at a temporary slip until my marina opens in 2 weeks. Only had time for a quick picture - will take more this weekend. Here she is:


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Very nice Jim!
Isn't it a great feeling to be back in? Makes it feel like spring :!:
Sal - Thanks for that! The picture doesn't do it justice...the bootstripe is a combination of 1 inch yellow/ 1/2 inch red which matches the color combination of the boat name.

Kevin - I'm lucky to be in...I went down on Sunday to check on the progress of my marina, learned that they weren't ready, was about an hour into my drive home when I got a call from a friend who said I could use their slip until mine is open. Turned around and away we went.
Jim - Glad to hear you made it in. She looks great. I really like the color of the boot stripe. You do nice work. I hope to get out this weekend. I just got back from a week in Disney World. Boy do I need a vacation.
Great looking boat. Love that boot strip.

Do I detect a touch of Neckbone on your bulkhead??? :D :D
Beautiful :!:
I love the colors in the graphics and the boot stripe.
Love that Sou`wester logo too. Nice touch. :wink:

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