I just bought a new 2007 2120 SC and one of the issues I struggled with was having a marine head with a reasonably sized holding tank and macerator pump.
I thought the room is okay for the actual head and it would be simple to wire, but the spaces I saw for the holding tank were all too small for me. So I bought the standard portable head. They do have a pump out stem for them and a larger holding tank base so I may upgrade after this summer.
I also studied using an expensive VacuFlush which olny uses a pint per flush thinking I could feed it with an antifreeze solution in the winter or year round and not have a water intake (I use my boat year round here) but lots of equipment to install and still neeed a holding tank.
Maybe after I first use and get used to emptying the portable, it will not seem like such a headache.
What did you decide or experience since your question?
I simply mandated that whom wanted to use the portable head must emplty and clean it. It seems strange that in 61/2 years no one has used the head even on days when we left the dock before dawn and returned at dusk. LOL
Women seem to prefer a 5 gallon bucket while the men just let it fly over the side or transom when offshore. For some reason, no one wants to empty the head.
My Parker 2120 is my first boat. I was sure that a full head was going to be needed when I started this thread. Four months later I have no desire for a full head anymore. For those rare emergencies a bucket. Otherwise over the side.
I still take the porta potty along in case of female emergencies but no one has used it yet. Hope it stays that way.
Think I finally found the simple reliable inexpensive ($10.99) marine head for my boat - an old four wheeling folding seat I had in storage. Looks like similar one available at:
I could get off at an island and use it, catch solids (maybe liquids) in supplied bags, put a bucket under it, double bag it, empty it not where I might want to but where I should, whatever floats my boat. The top lid on mine seals fairly good so should keep odiferous wafts in the bag.
It folds up when not in use, uses no power and most anyone could tote the bag or bucket up the hill in restricted discharge zones.
Out comes my PortaPot tomorrow and in goes my true ultraquiet portable toilet. Just used a regular draw string trash bag for the photos. Could double or triple bag with these or get better contractor bags tomorrow.
i have done an upgrade to greatcir's idea. Instead of using the folding stand and a bag, I screwed a frame under the seat that sits on a 5 gal bucket. my wife and daughter have used that setup for years. No mess, no fuss, and easy to stow away.