My boat's new home / mooring whips question

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2006
Reaction score
Normandy Beach, NJ
Yesterday I was down at the new place waiting for cable hookup and a few other things. Today I am going down as well. Anyhow, yesterday I brought my boat over from the marina and tied her up to my new dock. There is a pair of 10 year old mooring whips, and their bases, in bad need of replacement and I will tend to that this offseason, after my boat comes out.

My mooring whip question is this: please look at the attached two photos and tell me if I am tied up acceptably, and even better how you would change my line method. (I have, aside from the whip lines, 5 lines to the dock.)

Thanks gents.


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Looks good to me! :)

Spring lines forward and aft to check movement along with limiting lines to keep the mooring whips from being over extended.
Looks fine for everyday use. How is the protection there during a nor`easter? Are the whips enough to keep her off of the bulkhead?

That is one sweet dock. I'd love to have a setup like that at my home. 8)
Looks good.

What happens when you get a strong wind against the dock? Are the whips strong enough? Do you put fenders (or a fender board) between the boat and the dock when you get a strong on-dock wind?

And I agree with would be my dream house to have the boat tied up in the back yard off the patio. :D :D :D
Even 3 or 4 sections of 4' "pool noodle" lengths bound to each piling would offer some protection if/when the winds pushed you hard into the pier.

Looks nice ... I think we found the ideal site for next summer's Classic Parker NJ rondezvous ;) !
Thank you gentlemen... My family fell in love with this house; I had to accomodate them. I suppose being on a lagoon with a place for my boat didnt't deter me. Cough.

Thanks and tight lines.