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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2006
Reaction score
Fall River, MA
The family is going to try overnighting, actually 3 nights probably, next week. Going to Cuttyhunk and Menemsha. My wife has been on me to go campming, which we do not do, so I convinced her to use the boat as the tent. I've been compiling a list of ideas and needs for the few days and am asking "yous guys" for some help. Of course on a 2510 Parker. potti, full enclosure, sun shower, coolers packed, first aid case, hygiene stuff, screens on the windows, 10 lbs of eels and cage ( but of course ).... Both towns are very boat friendly of course. What are some of the must haves and things to consider. Thanks, Art
Only things I'd add besides other personal stuff (book, magazines, etc.) would be sure to use ice BLOCKS when you can. I make my own, as Wally*World sells 2 baking pans liked like a loaf of bread for $3. I make 4-6 blocks per week and besides lasting much longer than cube ice ... I'm saving $$ too.

Also try to have a routine of "what goes where". I store beding in a condura bag below the port V-Berth and NEVER have had an issue with mildew or anything. Personal gear for the Mrs. gets stowed in the V-Berth and that for the Captain, behind the helm seat along the starboard cabin all. You'll need to place things from the V-Berth into the helm cabin for the night too ... so the idea is "you both know where your own stuff is". That helps keeps the peace ... and that alone is priceless :) !

"Alone time" too helps, specially where you'll be by a port, so you can walk around ... but I'll let you figure that one out ;) !
Glad your "selling her" is on hold, Art. I know what that is like.

Have a great time with the family.
I have a SS Magma butane grill (12" dia round) which gets used a lot when we overnight. Pre-made shis-ka-bobs work great on that grill.

Key to overnighting is to not overpack. All that junk you toss in the v-berth, has to get moved out somewhere. On my 2510, I stack that excess stuff between the pedestal seats and the helm buklhead.

A nice bottle of wine and a couple of folding chairs next to the transom make for a nice evening after the kids have gone down.

With a family of 4, The admiral and the two boys sleep in the v-berth. I put down a sleeping mat on the floor between the pedestal seat boxes and a sleeping bag.

If you have boys, have a bucket handy for those nighttime water runs. :D :D :D If you have girls, don't ask me...I wouldn't know what to do. :( :( :(
We stay out a few times a year and I have two girls 7 and 12. They tend to get bored after dark but we have one of those small DVD players so we bring some movies which will give us a little peace. We also have a grill and we bring an assortment of things to grill. My wife and kids are small and we all squezzzze in the cabin. Don't forget mosquito repellent!

Have fun. :D
:D Remember the wine!!!!
There is no wine sold in Menasha
I don’t know if the general store on Cuttyhunk sells wine.
My wife says bring your own is the best!
WE may spend Friday night in Menemsha, if ya see Scalawag say hello.
Ditto on what Dale said about the block ice. It will last for days. I use the Poland Spring gallon screw top water containers to make my block ice and reuse them. They have handles on them too. That's if you have a deep freezer and the space. If it's going to be nearly as hot as this week, I'd see if there was a little batttery powered fan I could put in the v-berth to make it more comfortable while sleeping. Have a good trip. You want the Admiral's first overnighter to be a good one! :wink:
susqking":2x30y4ce said:
Don't forget mosquito repellent!

Good advice!

I bought one of those 12v coffee makers because the Admiral has to have her coffee in the morning. :twisted:
I discovered two things...

1. a 12v coffee maker will absolutely kill one of those 'jump-start' batteries in less than 10 minutes. :(
2. a 12v coffee maker takes about 45 minutes to make a pot of coffee, so don't be in a hurry (or start it early). :shock:

Good luck and have fun!

i do overnighting for two nights routinely, and there isnt any problem....
a couple of upgrades, though, are very nice...

[1] put industrial strength velcro all around the doorway to the cabin
on the inside.......have a canvas maker fabricate a "door" of mosq
itoe netting to fit the velcro margin with mating fuzzy stuff to cling
to the velcro firmly.......with the hatch open/screen in, you will get
both tremendous flowthru of air , but the interior will be a bugfree
haven for all..........

[2] install two hella fans (black looks best) up by the anchor well
in the bunk......these two, on full, will make the difference if you
dont have breeze.......

[2] install a 10 watt "spreader light" off on the side of the bunk area
to provide first class reading light......i changed the fluorescent oem
to red as night lights......

[3] have light weight sleeping bags for everyone.......you will be most
comfortable with the hatch and the cabin door OPEN and lots of air
movement and then some covers than to close things up tight....unless
it is VERY cold, in which case a marina with a 110 heater is the only
civilized way once the temp is below freezing....

[4] a large cotton quilt to cover the cushions makes it most cozy
and noticeably warmer.......

[5] have males pee into a gallon jug, saving the porta potti for the

[6]be sure to POWERSET THE ANCHOR and let out extra, ie 6-8:1
scope if at all possible........you want all your boating "adventures"
during daylight......

[7] take plenty of water, eg a gallon per person per 24 hr.....gallon
jugs of distilled water are best, and will be used twice as pee jugs....
take plenty of food, but watch out for TRASH.....PLAN the menu
to reduce trash generated to the bare minimum.......beef jerky,
peanuts, hard-boiled eggs, yogurt, and chocalate are winners.....
avoid "assembling" dishes or meals that cant be eaten from a
single pasta-dish.......

[8] we have an inverter aboard, so that having a full sized micro
wave oven to heat up foods in a big morale booster........it also
allows us to play movies on a "laptop" dvd player.......but playing
cards, (good) reading, or listening to a cassette player is also very
nice after dark.....

you will evolve your own systems, but it is really one of the premier boat
experiences to sleep over........it also can save every penny you spend
on upgrades in marina fees.........the very best harbors will have a water
taxi service at least some of the day, so that anchoring out and going
ashore are not a bit contradictory........a lot of folks tow a dinghy to
access land, but to me that is excessively expensive and cumbersome....
if you have a dinghy though, it is great fun in itself....dan

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