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Feb 27, 2006
Reaction score
Havre de Grace, MD
I am thinking abt a radar for our 2120, mostly to find birds. I would appreciate hearing thoughts, experiences and recommendations. What should I know before I buy one, what model would you recommend, would you recommend one at all. That sort of thing. Thanks for the advice.
JimG":1z4pxdrt said:
I am thinking abt a radar for our 2120, mostly to find birds.
With that requirement, you're going to need at least a 4 Kw unit. Go with Furuno, there's a reason why there on so many commercial boats.

Note resolution/performance will be limited by dome height above the water and beam width. Some used to say that at shorter ranges, a 4Kw CRT display provided a superior picture and detail than a LCD machine, but whereas almost everything is LCD today, I would think the top-end units would be perfect.

I would think in that power you may have to go to an open array, but regardless, go to a good dealer and let them know your specific needs.
If you want to find birds I would suggest getting a 6kw or an expensive pair of image stabilizing binoculars.......A 4kw is not going to find birds! Yes... maybe sometimes here and there but I can tell you from experience the Furuno 4kw will not satisfy that need. It is a great radar and I'll never own a boat without it..... but it's not for the birds.

I believe efishdoc has it righ...6kw and a 24" wide (or better) emitting array are necessary to find birds on a regular basis. I have a 4kw, 18" emitting array, and have only seen gannets, and only then when they are so close I can see them with my aging eyes. I've played with the gain and other settings (clutter, rain, etc.) to no avail.

Guidance on many other boards...especially those catering to the offshore crowd, seem to agree that 6kw, and 24" are minimum.

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