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Feb 23, 2006
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South Orange County, CA
Would love to get the ball rolling towards some kind of a West Coast Rendezvous. There seems to be some interest in doing a Marina Coral trip when the fish start biting this year. This is something I've wanted to do but would prefer to do it with a group....hopefully with some Marina Coral veterans. Let's talk it up and help get the word out to anyone interested - it may be fun.
Let's do it.

Watch the reports and we'll narrow in on a date.

Arrangements are easy at Coral. Permits, licenses, and insurance through Vagabundos del Mar, Discover Baja, and I believe a couple of local tackle shops.

If you use Vagabundos, give them two weeks lead-time. If buy for a year, you can pick the start date and it is good for a year from that date. That way you are good to go for Mexican waters fishing out of San Diego.

I'll probably tow down and thus avoid the uphill bash back to San Diego and be able to add my wife to the event-she loves the hotel and facilities. Border is a bit of a hassle, but not much worse than waiting for customs in San Diego. BTW, I'll go back through Tecate.

For those with 9'6" width, the tow to Coral would not be a problem. It's south of Ensenada that it would be thrilling. In any event, I'd be happy to lead a caravan from San Diego or Mission Bay.

Any thoughts of having Sundance Marine host parking or support in some manner?

A trip to the Coral sounds like fun, count me in.

I will launch from san diego / shelter island and probably fish my way down.

Looking forward to a great year !!! :D
I have always wanted to make this trip and would prefer to go with a group for the first time.

Keep me posted, I would most likely join Farout and launch out of Shelter Island.

Can't wait for things to get started in 07!!!

I am also interested. This would be the first trip to Mexico for my new 2320. I still have a lot of work to do on her before she is ready but keep me posted and I will try to get the work done.

I’m very interested and like Farout I would rather cruise down. We could have groups going both ways. I also like the group thing for my first time down.

I told Joel down at Sundance about this site and I know he’s checked it out but I’m not sure if anyone keeps up on it. If anybody talks to Rob they should bring it up and see if he’s interested. The only problem I foresee is that I have to have my vacations in at work soon.

Dave, Maybe some kind of email list so we can make sure everyone is up to date as we go.
I would love to go as well, I to have always wanted to go, but was a little scared, but with a bunch of boats it would be a blast, count us in, we are in Marina Del rey !
I'm in!! Just give me the dates. I'd go by boat, but I can talk to Rob at Sundance and see what they will do.

Par None
Sounds great, I would boat and fish down, did it a couple of times last season, excellent adventure. The slips are like $30.00 per night, the only bummer is that that the coral doesn't always have fuel to refuel the boat.
You can count me in. Made several tows to the Coral last summer and the facilities are great. Ensenada is a fun place to do this with usually shorter runs to the offshore fishing grounds. We found ourselves fishing with many of the San Diego 1 1/2 and 2 day sportfishers and doing a number on the yellowtail and dorado.


I would love to do this trip count my buddy and I in. Maybe we can all meet for a beer and pizza and plan it?
Come on guys any interest in this trip? I am going but would like to buddy boat with someone.
This should be done late July or August. YT is the best bet down there now. Why not wait until the tuna push into the lower 500 area then pull the trigger? Even if we don't do a group deal if any of you run long out of san diego during the week send me a pm and I'll buddy along with you. I usually fish once a week during the season and will go wherever the fish are.

I was thinking Aug or Sept for this trip. Just wanted to get things rolling and get reservations.
hey guys im making the trip down there the week of august 5th if it works out for any of you guys lets do it im coming down from northern california would be great to know some other people on the water.
hey guys im making the trip down there the week of august 5th if it works out for any of you guys lets do it im coming down from northern california would be great to know some other people on the water.
I have August 13-17 off work(some of us have to work for a living). :wink:

I also have September 17-21 off.

If the fish are biting I will at least be headed down that way for a couple of overnighters.
I'm good most weekends but Friday Aug 3rd thru Sunday Aug 5th looks good with only a 1/2 moon phase . Only a 3-1/2 to 4 hour drive from the L.A./orange County Area.

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