I have this ACR Ditch Bag mounted on its velcro & snap quick-release bracket on the inside lower portion of my helm cabin door. When the door's closed, its in there with me - when the door's open, its out there in the cockpit for immediate deployment.
It contains:
* ACR PLB w/ GPS bulit-in
* Waterproof handheld VHF
* Flaregun with rockets
* Handheld flares
* Firefly2 strobe light
* Signal mirror
* Rescue/distress flag
* Signal dye
* Cyalume lightsticks
* Freon horn (each lifejacket already has a whistle attached)
* Knife & small Leatherman tool on lanyards
* Spare rope
* First Aid Kit
* Small compass
* Waterproof flshlight
* Bottled water
* Energy Bars
I've got a lot of the stuff, but it is scattered all over the boat. Guess I had better get organized and put togethere a ditch bag...especially before I return to the CBBT next Dec.
The interesting thing is that Dale and I carry almost identical equipment.
I have a few additional items... but his and mine are almost mirror image copies.
I have the same ACR bag. It is mounted on the inside of the cabin door. I have most of the same stuff as you guys, without power bars. I have two fireflys because I gat one free from my dealer last summer.
Very similar to my list, but I'll add 50 feet of poly rope (for tying folks together in the water or just lashing to), hh vhf, hh gps, smoke, spare batteries.
I've also just acquired a sat phone, so I picked up a pelican case (1500) that I'll be transferring some of the more delicate electronics to. The case is waterproof and has 53 pounds of buoyincy.
The thought of a ditch bag has never entered my mind. Evidently I should be a lot more catious and be better prepared. Chit happens. Thanks for the post :!:
Boating season is just begining so it is a great time to get after these important things. I also have some of these items all over my boat and need to get organized. Could we possibly get a pic of where and how the bag it is mounted to the door? Has anyone heard stories of someone ever actually using one?
inTherapy, you really don't have to carry a purpose-built ditch bag to store and carry your safety equipment.
Before I bought my ACR bag, I used a left-over anchor rode storage bag to organize and store my safety gear.
Having everything in one place so that you can easilly find it is more important than what it is carried in.
My new ACR bag allegedly floats... but I don't intend to test that 'advantage' any time soon. :wink: