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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
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Hello after a long time off line, My wife had a stroke on April 1st and I have not had much time for the net, however I have managed to use the 2330 once and awhile this summer :cry: She should recover fully but it has been a tough summer. We hope it is a long mild fall so we can get out on the bay for some quality life time. It sure does change your perspective when something like this happens. On a different note, IT was a very sad thing to find out about the capsizing of the 2120 in maine,Our thoughts and prayers to all affected by this tragedy. I hope to see some of you on the BARNEGAT BAY, still this fall. REGARDS, CAPT.GUY
Welcome back and my regards for a full and complete recovery to your wife. :wink:

The situation with ffwilliam was indeed a shock to many of us. It just goes to show that no matter how good your vessel, things can happen.
It also goes to show that we all need to be prepared for anything that may happen on the water.

Very glad to have you back! 8)
THANKS FOR ALL OF THE SUPPORT, YOU GUYS ARE GREAT :) MY WIFE WANTED ME TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT,What My wife actually had is called an INNER CRANIAL BLEED, (a blood vessel leaked some blood out in the back of her brain causing stroke symptoms) She was concerned that everyone would think she was OLD if I just wrote STROKE. Sooooooo my very YOUNG wife and I hope to use our PARKER deep into the fall season, condidered by many to be the very best time of year on the water 8) THANKS AGAIN, CAPT.GUY