2013 2320 Baitwell Question

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Active member
Sep 17, 2021
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Ok, this might be a dumb question, but here goes...I recently bought a 2320 that was advertised as having a livewell. It does indeed have a large trough in the transom, and there is a baitwell rocker switch in the cabin that illuminates, but there are only two pumps that I see in the bilge...the bilge pump (obviously), and a second pump that is plumbed to a seacock and comes on when the raw water washdown pump switch is activated.

So am I missing something? Or is there just a "bridge to nowhere" off of that baitwell rocker switch? I also don't see any fill ports in the tank, only drain tubes that go out the port and starboard sides of the boat.

If there is, can I run the raw water washdown pump as a livewell pump (i.e. continuous duty cycle) via a hose? I added overflow tubes, so the tank will fill.

If not, I guess I will have my local shop add another pump...although the cheapo bubble box in a 5gal bucket worked quite well on the last trip.

Any info regarding this "zombiewell" is appreciated.
I'll try to grab a few after work today, my boat is in a storage facility.
You may have a bosworth valve that directs flow to the livewell. If not, you can add one in lieu of another pump.