2310 Additional Batteries

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bent monkey

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Apr 29, 2008
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Redondo Beach, CA
Hi, I have 2 Optima Blue Tops in the factory battery hold but am loking at adding a few more for some extended 2-3 night trips. When I am in the cabin facing stern there are 2 "access" panels on both port and starboard, behind there it looks like a lot of wasted space and a possible place to mount some batteries with a host of other items/equipment.
I wanted to post here and get any feedback from you guys on that idea or any better ideas to pack in a few more batteries.
I would use them for a couple of possible uses, run the bait well overnight, hook up an inverter for small electronics and so forth, I am a worrier and just want to isolate the start batteries from non starting items.
I was also thinking of somehow running a charge wire from the engine to charge them while underway, but again, any and all feedback would be appreciated.
Nice Pic! Thanks for the reply but the area I am talking about is accessed when you are physically in the cabin. While sitting in the cabin there are 2 panels, port and starboard, that are covered in fabric and when you remove them you are able to see the area between the hull and the cockpit console, I hope I am describing this correctly.
Maybe I need to get down and take pics.
our boats are similar so I recognize the area in your picture. I would say that may be a bit tight in there. On my WA my two batteries store on the starboard side transome box. There is an identical one on the port side which holds my fuel/water sep and other than that it is empty. I have always thought about adding one there. My WA is a notch transome, no live well if yours is not the notch it may be different.
there actually is quite a bit of room in there much to my surprise, and this is just the starboard directly under the helm (you can see the control cables and so forth heading stern). I am going to measure it today and get an exact measurement but after taking these pictures and seeing it again there is a lot more room that I thought.
I was thinking of glassing in a few "eyes" so that I can strap down the battery boxes.

Just wondering if anyuone else has done something like this and can throw a few pointers my way.
Thanks Guys
what about the space under the live well, where there is access to the rear bildge. I also have the 2310 and am running only two batts, there is always a the Coleman 2000. they are great for over night trips.
Parker 2310":3lbci7mp said:
what about the space under the live well, where there is access to the rear bildge. I also have the 2310 and am running only two batts, there is always a the Coleman 2000. they are great for over night trips.
I run 2 Blue Top Optimas in the factory "battery box' area and they seem to last pretty long and they charge back up quickly as well so I decided to buy a Yamaha 1000 generator as a back up. I have 2 Honda 2000's but the Yamaha is a lot smaller and fits into some pretty tight places and is more than enough power and weighs less than extra batteries so I am going to go that course as it has been working so far.

P.S. Do you have the Notch Transom, if so, take a look at what I did to get rid of the factory engine well and gain back a lot of real estate on the deck, just search under 'upgrade to my notch transom'
Thanks for the reply
Sean... use the search feature and use "house battery" as your key word, and "search for all terms".
You should see lots of information on how to wire in a set of house batteries.