Problem Naming New Boat!!!!!

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Palm Beach, FL
Hey guys just bought a new 2530 and my last boat i couldnt wait to rip off the decals and stickers and customize it. However im having the hardest time deciding to even mess up how beautiful these boats are by putting on a name. Should i just name it by itself and not actually put the name or what would anyone suggest.

Oh yeah potential names

Bigger moments - Last boats name was Little Moments
Quiet Time - Women tend to ask alot of meaningless questions
No Complaints - Double meaning (Cant complain nice boat and No complaing on the boat)
Here is my boat's name:


Have fun naming and painting.

Kevin G.
I haven't been in a hurry to name my boat either. After 4 years I've been through 4 names (in my mind) and I've stopped announcing the possibilities to my family; when they start referring to the boat by a name that I've eliminated I get confused looks and questions that begin "But I thought you were thinking of ...".

I'm slowly settling on "Scotia" and it's grown on me more since having been added to my "Posting Signature" on Classic Parker (see below). My Father's family arrived in Hingham, MA from Scotland in 1640-60 and my Mother's family came down from Nova Scotia c. 1900. In addition, I'm a woodworker/finish carpenter and "scotia" (a type of moulding) has a familiar ring to it through my work.

I guess that's the point of it... find something that's meaningful to you, not too cliche'd, don't be afraid to change your mind, and see how comfortable you feel when you see it in print, on this site or in an email to a friend, etc.

It's a lot easier to change your mind at that point than to tell "Gas Money Graphics" that you need to reorder the vinyl.

Just my approach, might not be suitable for you.
