The Admiral convinced me to launch on a weekend so she could experience the new and improved tabs. She knows that I despise the weekend boat ramp seen. But oh well.
After several hours of cruising around, she thought the tabs were amazing. We were a couple miles out enroute to the ramp. Mission success I thought, didn't run over any jet skis, didn't hit any floating debris. I thought, go home rinse and dry, put her to bed.
However, I was cruising in some small chop with the tabs down a couple bars each. Suddenly, coming at me in the narrow channel at full throttle was a 56 sedan/fly bridge. He was throwing at least a 5-6 foot wake. I had encounters like this before....just drop back to idle and turn into the wake. The bow has always risen faster than the wake and over we go with maybe a little splash at the pulpit.
So, the Admiral had her front window wide open, mine was closed because the previous chop was from the starboard side, we turned at idle into the wake. MAN OH MAN, I had forgotten to raise the tabs. I know Richard had bragged in an earlier post that he could clean his anchor, well I cleaned the anchor, the windlass, the Admiral, and the roof. The bow stuffed and the wake came right in the the Admiral's front window hitting her in the chest/face, and half filled the baby seat. Luckily, I was holding the baby.
She directed a few choice words towards the flybridge..... I never did tell her that I forgot to raise the tabs.
Lessons learned:
1. Weekend boating is to be avoided
2. These tabs are awesome even at slow speeds
3. Withholding information is not the same as lying
4. See number 1.