Overflow issue

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2021
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Had the overflow issue when filling up my 2320 the last couple times. I have the fuel vent with a 90 degree elbow and two screens. I took everything off and inspected the fuel vent. Screens were unclogged. When I blew into the vent hose I didn’t feel any restrictions but would get blow back of air coming back out that smelled like gas, obviously. Is that normal? Secondly I noticed when filling up that gas would come out my fuel vent on the port side before spilling out of the fill top. Is that normal? Forgive my ignorance I’ve never dealt with this issue on my other boats. What other trouble shooting should I do at this point?
If you're filling up on the water, you need one of those gas absorbent pads to hold over the vent, to keep the spill out of the water. Usually, you can reach the vent with one hand, while holding the nozzle with the other.
Liquids seek their level. The vent is a bit lower than the fill if you are filling up to the brim of the fill it could very well be coming out the vent.
Filling on trailer. I think it’s just proximity of fuel vent on the tank. I check for all the blockages and I’m not seeing any
I agree w/ K - probably (hopefully) a non-issue. I just had a new tank, all new hoses, new filters, new sending unit & gasket, new foam etc, etc and all done by a 40 year-in-boating-guy who has done 14 of these tanks on Parkers (and highly recommended by the local 60-years-in-business Parker Dealer). So I'm assuming (???) my system is now per the drawing w/ all new parts. And it still sloshes out the vent on occasion if I overfill or fill too fast as it gets close to full, or am on an incline etc. But, having said all that, my boat is different than yours (2300T).
I agree w/ K - probably (hopefully) a non-issue. I just had a new tank, all new hoses, new filters, new sending unit & gasket, new foam etc, etc and all done by a 40 year-in-boating-guy who has done 14 of these tanks on Parkers (and highly recommended by the local 60-years-in-business Parker Dealer). So I'm assuming (???) my system is now per the drawing w/ all new parts. And it still sloshes out the vent on occasion if I overfill or fill too fast as it gets close to full, or am on an incline etc. But, having said all that, my boat is different than yours (2300T).
Who did your tank?
Who did your tank?

Florida Marine Services 305-620-9030 (which is in Henderson North Carolina - go figure).

It's 65 gallons and I had it coated (includes sending unit and gasket installed). Cost`~ $2000 (but went thru the Parker Dealer who had the Parker tank drawing (which I had to sign off on before they would start). Since I went thru a dealer, I suspect tank would have cost ~ $1500 going direct (but I had no drawing). It took ~8 weeks to get it in my hands. The welds on the tank were 1st class (I'm pretty well versed in welding). (But that comment only applies to the single welder that did that tank :)
I agree w/ K - probably (hopefully) a non-issue. I just had a new tank, all new hoses, new filters, new sending unit & gasket, new foam etc, etc and all done by a 40 year-in-boating-guy who has done 14 of these tanks on Parkers (and highly recommended by the local 60-years-in-business Parker Dealer). So I'm assuming (???) my system is now per the drawing w/ all new parts. And it still sloshes out the vent on occasion if I overfill or fill too fast as it gets close to full, or am on an incline etc. But, having said all that, my boat is different than yours (2300T).
I believe your right or at least I’m hoping so. The fill hose is what 1 1/2” in diameter? and the vent house is maybe 5/8”? I noticed now the pressure is more a result of how fast I’m fueling when topping off. If I hold the nozzle down full blast I’ll get a pretty quick blow back, however, if I hold it at halfway or 3/4 of the way down it fills just fine